West Park School’s track was finished a little while ago and has seen plenty of use already, but this week saw the official opening of the facility by Wellington mayor Celia Wade-Brown.
This is the second track opened through WCC’s Bikes in Schools project, with more planned.
The school thinks that the track has given the sports field an extra dimension for the local community – something we have seen all around the country with other projects. Principal Luis Echegaray said that “neighbours have commented that they have never seen the field used as often. From the early hours of the morning to the end of the day, young and old are using the track – cycling, walking, jogging and teaching younger ones to ride bikes…I can’t thank Wellington City Council enough and all the people that have contributed …you all have given West Park School and the Johnsonville community a wonderful facility to be proud of and that will be used by thousands of people over the coming years…”
Peter Rhodes-Robinson has two children at the school, and was also one of the volunteers helping with the the track. He talked about seeing “that moment when kids first learn to ride, that joyful moment….this is the only place in Johnsonville that’s flat enough to ride so we bought our kids here to learn to ride. We bring a thermos down and have a cup of tea while the kids ride around.”
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