Teaching Resources

Schools with Bikes in Schools projects, or similar, have found these biking-related teaching resources beneficial to support their projects.

Waka Kotahi Bike games for schools

These Bike games and activities for schools developed by Waka Kotahi are a fun way for students to practise and develop key bike control skills such as balance, braking, riding with one hand and more.

Each card explains the equipment, setup and instructions for the activity as well as discussion ideas and variations to ensure inclusiveness for all students.

All activities are flexible and can be adapted to suit your class’s age, abilities, and needs. Most games are suitable for balance bikes or trikes. Most importantly, have fun, and feel free to join in with your class!  

For the classroom

ACC and the NZ Transport Agency have developed some BikeReady curriculum resources (written by Pam Hook) for schools directly aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum achievement objectives.

Greater Wellington Regional Council and Enviroschools (Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui) have developed an Active Travel Action curriculum resource that proves a process for schools to implement sustainable active transport practices through student inquiry.

Greater Wellington Regional Council has also produced this handy Bikes in Schools; Schools Guide, which is available for all schools.

Auckland Transport provides an extensive range of Travelwise Resources for teachers and students to encourage safe behaviour and sustainable travel habits.

Cycle Education Videos